Using pass in a team

The “standard unix password manager” pass is a great tool if you want to have full control over your password store and want it to be accessible by various systems. If you want to share the password store across your team, pass requires some more steps to set it up. This article describes how to organize and encrypt such a shared password store.


In order to run the commands below you’ll need to have the pass and gpg tools installed. You will also need your own private/public key and your teammate’s public keys set up. For more information check the pass and gpg documentation.

Let’s get started

Assume a company called Acme with team members:

  • Alice (
  • Jane (
  • Bob (

Alice will manage and encrypt the password store in a way that it’s decipherable by Jane and Bob.

Let’s start with initializing an empty password store:

$ pass init

This will create a .password-store folder in the user’s home directory. All passwords can be organized in files & folders inside of the .password-store folder. A shared password store should be organized in it’s own subfolder which can be done using the -p option:

$ pass init -p acme

This command will create the subfolder acme in the .password-store folder.

Let’s create a sample password:

$ pass generate acme/sharedpass 23

This will generate a new password in the acme subfolder. By now, only Alice can decrypt the password.

Using multiple gpg ids

The pass init -p acme command creates a .gpg-id file in the acme folder. This file includes the public gpg ids which will be used to encrypt the password files. In order to share a password store with your teammates you need to specify their gpg ids in the .gpg-id file and re-encrypt the passwords.

Open the ~/.password-store/acme/.gpg-id file in an editor and add the public gpg ids:

Now, it’s important to (locally) sign the keys of your teammates using gpg:

$ gpg --edit-key

gpg> lsign
gpg> y
gpg> save

Repeat the steps for every entry in the .gpg-id file. Of course, only sign the keys if you fully trust them.

After this, re-initialize the shared password store with:

$ pass init -p acme $(cat ~/.password-store/acme/.gpg-id)

This will re-encrypt the passwords in the acme subfolder using the gpg ids specified in ~/.password-store/acme/.gpg-id.

Now you are ready to share the encrypted password store with your teammates. Alice, Jane and Bob can decrypt the password with:

$ pass acme/sharedpass

Sharing options

Since the password store is organized using plain files & folders, you can just copy the acme folder to a device and share it with your team. They would need to have pass installed with an (empty) password store and copy the acme folder to their “.password-store” folder.

Another way of sharing the password store is by using git. Alice, who created the acme subfolder, can just add this folder to git and push it to a remote server.

$ cd ~/.password-store/acme
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add acme password store"
$ # Set up remote
$ git push

The teammates can then clone the repo to their .password-store.

$ cd ~/.password-store
$ git clone

Updating the password store

Whenever you add a new password to the password store, you need to re-initialize (and re-encrypt) the password store with:

$ pass init -p acme $(cat ~/.password-store/acme/.gpg-id)

The command also needs to be run if you edit the .gpg-id file (adding or removing users).

If you use git, then commit and push the changes so that your teammates can update the password store.


In order to create a shared password store you need to:

  • Create a subfolder in your password store:
    pass init -p acme

  • Add your teammate’s public gpg ids to the acme/.gpg-id file

  • Locally sign the public keys
    gpg --edit-key gpg> lsign

  • Re-encrypt the password store with:
    pass init -p acme $(cat ~/.password-store/acme/.gpg-id)



If you have any further questions or comments feel free to contact me on Twitter.